Getting Started

Getting Started


1Your time is valuable and we want to make sure that we are the right fit for your event, project or installation. Important details and nuance can get lost in translation on email or text. For this reason, the first step is a phone call. This call includes discussing the type of event, dates & location, the look & feel and high points of what you need, as well as expectations & budget.

2As the above section describes there are many factors and choices to be made. We politely ask for our clients to consider having a minimum budget of $4,000 when thinking about a tented solution.

3You dream, we’ll listen. We’re here to guide you through the event rental process, whether you’re a seasoned special events professional or a homeowner hosting an outdoor birthday party. This is also an opportune time to collectively meet with event team partners such as the caterer, decorator and planner. Needs, desires and questions can be addressed by key vendors at the same time.
Site Visit

4Meeting on-site is an imperative part of planning. Our team of professionals make recommendations by assessing the space. It is also an opportunity to gather measurements, survey the site for obstacles, any site improvements needed, and sprinklers systems.
Timeline & Budget

5Armed with details from our conversations and site visit, we build a plan and budget based on your requests and our recommendations.
Contract & Payment

6Reservation Agreement is signed and deposit is made to reserve the equipment, labor and event date. Changes may be made prior to the event.
Safety & Compliance

7Safety is always first. Our staff will work with your location policies, including physical distancing, masking, and security, as applicable. All sites must be marked for underground systems. We want to protect your property and our installers.

8Our professional installers will handle every detail from using tarps to protect your property, while maintaining the cleanest site and product to meticulous attention to ballast & safety. No aspect is too small for our attention. Helping clients realize their vision and then managing every detail so that you can relax, enjoy and be in the moment at your event.
Strike & Follow Up

9Everyone is thrilled and basking in the glow of a successful event. Our service is not complete until your event is finished and all equipment is safely removed from your site.

Basic Information

  • Event type
  • Number of people / Doing what
  • Event date
  • Event time & duration
  • Location
  • Client

The Look

  • What do you want it to look like
  • Tent Type
  • Communicate the vision

Site Access & Impact

  • Truck Access vs. Cost to Carry
  • Alternative anchoring

Installation Crew

  • On-Site Contact
  • Experienced
  • Safety Trained
  • Legal Residents
  • Criminal Background Check
  • Drug Free

Weather Contingencies

  • Climate control
  • Heat
  • Fans
  • Air Conditioning
  • Understand “The Rain Plan”
  • Effects on the Production Schedule
  • Where will the water go?
  • Weather Contingent Reservations

Safety Concerns

  • Permits
    • Typically obtained by Tent Company
    • What is required?
    • Type of use: assembly, dining, walkway, etc.
    • Space per person required for type of use
    • Exits – quantity, location, obstructions & signage
    • Fire Extinguishers
    • Codes vary from town to town. Check the local Fire Marshal / Building/ Zoning / Permit Office
    • Integrity of installation & evacuation
    • Engineer’s certification & drawings
  • Underground Utility Location
  • Site Logistics
  • Legal Requirements
  • Enough Time
  • Fire / Code Compliance

Tent Size

  • What are the guests/occupants doing
  • What does the client expect
  • What are the legal/safety code limits
    • Typical Code Limits
    • Referred to as Occupant Load
    • Usually determined by the local fire prevention authorities / Varies by Jurisdiction
    • Typically calculated as follows:
      • 4 to 7 sq. ft. per person no tables or chairs (SRO – standing room only)
      • 7 to 15 sq. ft. per person when only chairs are provided (concentrated seating)
      • 15 sq. ft. per person when tables & chairs are provided (unconcentrated seating)
      • Basic Guideline (Not Code):  20 – 25 square feet per person: tables, chairs, dancing, bars, side tables, etc.

Site Inspection

  • Discuss Needs
  • Measurements
  • Topography
  • Above Ground Obstacles
  • Surface Type – Safe Anchoring, Flooring
  • Truck Access for Tent Install
  • Discuss – weather, time of year, wind exposure
  • Answer questions or concerns raised in discussion

Involve the Tent Professional Early

  • Get a workable plan
  • Generate ideas
  • Address issues

Full Infrastructure Support

  • Lighting
  • Electric
  • HVAC
  • Medical
  • Security
  • Kitchen
  • Insect Control
  •  Bathrooms


  • Grass
  • Parking Lot
  • Driveway
  • Tennis Court
  • Ground Contour Floor
  • Leveled Floor


  • Prepare the Alternate Site
  • Location
  • Food & Drink, Restrooms, Toilet Paper, Catering, Wait Staff, Entertainment Staff

Why a Tent? / Is a tent the answer?

  • In Case it Rains
  • Expand an existing building
  • Create or Define a space
  • Emotional attachment to a site
  • To Save Money
  • Money is No Object

Installation & Dismantle

  • Time Allowances
  • Week before/after
  • Day before/after
  •  Day of – in & out
  • What are the rates for the time slot?

Expectations Match Budget

  • Financial Parameters Effect Décor / Look
  • Weather Protection / Climate Control

Is the Client Prepared?

  • Production Schedules
  • Construction
  • Neighbors

Properly Anchored

  • Your tents will look better
  • Resist wind & weather better
  • You get to keep your house

Evacuation Plan

  • Consult FEMA & OSHA for guidance creating your plan
  • Is the plan written or oral?
  • What are the trigger points?
  • Who makes the decision to evacuate?
  • How will key personnel be informed?
  • Who informs emergency services?
  • Do key personnel have specific tasks in the event of evacuation?
  • Which exits will be used?
  • Where do you evacuate everyone to?
  • Who directs emergency services when they arrive?
  • Procedures for key personnel handling medical or rescue duties?
  • How do you collect & account for everyone after evacuation?
  • Name & Title of Key Staff who can answer questions about the plan
  • What training is required?
  • Review plan with all staff
    • Initially on the job
    • Whenever a plan is changed
    • Whenever staff responsibilities change
    • Whenever the plan changes