Tenting at Home: What Challenges to Expect from the Unexpected

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][us_single_image image=”9476″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]At one time or another, everyone considers the idea of hosting a tented event at their home. Why not? Tents can serve as an extension of your home allowing you to entertain larger numbers of family and friends in a personal, outdoor setting. While the ending result is as romantic as you envisioned, if not more so, the process of installing tents in your backyard can be far more complicated than you ever imagined. In fact, at times your home may resemble a construction site. But trust us when we say these complications are well worth the challenges they pose when the finished product is truly magical!

Our suggestion is to go in with your eyes wide open to some of the issues you may face when tenting at home, such as:

Space: Not every backyard can accommodate a tent or collection of tents. Knowing what your space limitations are in relation to your expected guest list is important to ensure you are building an appropriate tented space.

Cost: Tented weddings tend to be more expensive than indoor celebrations. It’s based on time and materials. Be forewarned. More than likely, the bill’s going to be more than if you hosted your event in a hotel ballroom.

Permits & Local Ordinances: For the most part, no matter where you live, you’ll need permits and fire department inspections to install a tent on your property. You may also need to check on noise ordinances to avoid issues with your neighbors.

Utilities: Knowing the locations of your irrigation systems, landscape lighting, septic beds and underground utility lines are crucial to avoid disruption or personal harm.

Time: Installation and removal of tents always takes longer than a homeowner anticipates. Either due to the complexity of the build, access to the property or weather delays.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Weather: You can’t control what Mother Nature brings but you can do your best to take precautions to keep your tented event area safe and dry. Such as building a raised floor off the ground, adding side walls to keep rain from running into the tent, heaters to add warmth, fans to keep air circulating, air-conditioning units to cool entire tents down.

Damage: Some damage or wear-and-tear on your property is inevitable. Installing tents means your lawn will be deprived of light and water for several days, your shrubs and trees may be pushed or bent, and heavy vehicles may leave deep marks on pathways and driveways. However, have no fear, nothing that doesn’t bounce back quickly or isn’t easily fixed after the event.

For more information about tenting-at-home, we invite you to contact one of our Tent Specialists at 215-368-6700.

[Photo:  Rachel McGinn; Decor:  Evantine Design][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]